At Genazzano, each individual student is encouraged to be aspirational in her career goals. Participation in lifelong learning that supports these career goals is facilitated via a range of programs, from Years 7-12. The Career Development Program allows students to discover their potential, explore their career interests and link their learning to future success in life.

It is based on five principles:
- Change is constant – embrace it
- Learning is ongoing
- Focus on the journey
- Know yourself, believe in yourself and follow your heart
- Access your allies.
Our Service
The Careers Department at Genazzano adheres to the code of ethics of the Career Industry Council of Australia and provides a comprehensive career development program that supports students and their families from Years 7-12 and beyond.
Some aspects of the service include:
- Career counselling
- Vocational career assessments
- Work experience in Year 10
- Occupation research skills
- Job application and interview preparation
- Career expos and career days
- Guest speakers from industry and the education/training sectors
- Subject selection assistance in Years 8-12
- VTAC and tertiary application assistance
- Life and career management skills
- GenSTAR sessions
- Year 9 Careers program includes: resume writing, mock interviews, work experience preparation and financial independence.
Resources & Programs
Our experienced and qualified career development team provides and manages programs and resources for students and their parents.
All Students from Year 7-12
- Career Development program delivered through GenSTAR.
- Guest speakers and tertiary course sessions.
- Individual careers counselling by request.
- Subject selection and careers expo evening (Years 8-12).
- VE&T applications and support for work placements (Years 10-12).
- Careers website for student and parent research and document access (Years 7-12).
- Resume preparation and mock interviews (Years 10-12).
- Fortnightly Careers newsletter for students (Years 10-12).
Year 9-10
- Career Development Immersion Week – all Year 9s participate in this interactive participation program covering work preparation, financial independence and career planning.
- Career-wise vocational assessments and feedback information evenings (Year 10).
- Compulsory work experience for Year 10 students.
- Year 10 Careers Day.
- Individual subject selection interviews into VCE.
- Compulsory individual interviews for Year 12 students.
- Gap year sessions.
- Lunchtime group counselling and information sessions.
- Change-of-subject interviews (Year 11).
- VTAC application support and assistance (Year 12).
- Assistance with interstate and overseas applications (Year 12).
- UMAT preparation.
- Industry presentation.
- Change of preference support for university applications.
- Parent information evenings discussing the Middle Years, Year 9, VCE and VTAC.
- Careers website for parent research and document access.
- Further support to parents by email, telephone, interviews and newsletters.